BASE Design - Desen Veri Tabanı ve Süreç Yönetim Sistemi

BASE Design Center - Pattern Database and Process Management System

First, we started the meetings for the Pattern Database Application which is needed to be used to vastly list and edit the patterns that they produce for costumers and to generate the catalogues. Than to rise BASE Decor’s business to a higher point, we managed to add also Time Course Management System to the project.

After 2 weeks of planning process, we started the develop the project with Drupal as to the below list.

User Roles:

  • Designer
  • Design director
  • Sales support executive
  • Sales support director
  • Administration Manager

Process Management System Workflow:

  • Sales support specialist, creates a job by entering the appropriate section of the relevant sections for different features of the order received from the client.
  • Sales support director, sorts the jobs recieved from sales support specialists by priority.
  • Design director, examines the queued jobs and considering the workload of each designer, perform the assignment to the relevant designer.
  • Designer, analyzes the jobs that has been assigned, and starts the job by updating the job status to “Started”.
  • Designers those who complete the work, updates the job status to “completed”.
  • Design director examines the jobs that are with “completed” status, and update the status of the jobs which are approved to “approved” .
  • Sales support specialist, sends the jobs that are approved for customer to review and acknowledge.
  • At each step, a notification about the status of the job is sent to the relevant users.
  • Application admin, manage user accounts and distribution of roles.

Pattern Database

After development stage has been finished, a pattern database system has been created which can preserve thousands of old pattern information. The pattern database can also create new pattern codes that can be searched for all kinds information by pattern attributes and by customer.

BASE Design - Desen Veri Tabanı ve Süreç Yönetim Sistemi

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