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Module Installations

Module List

# Name Type Phase Status
1 Module Filter Admin UI Initial Enabled
2 Admin Toolbar Admin UI Initial Enabled
3 Toolbar Anti-flicker Admin UI Initial Enabled
4 Transliterate filenames for uploads Content Initial Enabled
5 Flood control Security Initial Enabled
6 Revision Log Default Content Initial Enabled
7 Prevent Term Delete Initial Enabled
8 Weight Project Enabled
9 Twig Tweak Dev Initial Enabled
10 Token Dev Initial Enabled
11 Chaos Tool Suite (ctools) Dev Initial Enabled
12 Automatic Entity Label Content Project Enabled
13 Field Permissions Project Enabled
14 Pathauto SEO Initial Enabled
15 Redirect SEO Initial Enabled
16 Block Exclude Pages Initial Enabled
17 CAPTCHA Security Project Disabled
18 reCAPTCHA Security Project Disabled
19 Metatag SEO Project Enabled
20 Metatag SEO Project Disabled
21 Rabbit Hole SEO Project Enabled
22 Simple XML sitemap SEO Project Enabled
23 Google Analytics Analytics Project Enabled
24 Views Bootstrap Dev Project Enabled
25 Slick Carousel Dev Project Enabled
26 Slick Views Dev Project Enabled
27 CKEditor Templates Content Project Enabled
28 Ckeditor templates user interface Content Project Disabled
29 AddToAny Share Buttons Content Project Enabled

Installed and Must be Documented

  1. Views Field View
  2. Better Search Block
  3. Social Media Links Block and Field
  4. Block Type Templates
  5. Twig Field Value
  6. Better Exposed Filters

To Be Discussed Later

  1. Content Translation Redirect
  2. Real-time SEO for Drupal
  3. SEO Checklist
  4. Blueprints
  5. Administer Users by Role
  6. User protect
  7. Country, State and City Fields
  8. Diff
  9. Entity Diff UI
  10. Prevent Node Delete
  11. Menu Block
  12. Menu block title
  13. Twig Tweak alternative Bamboo Twig

Initial module list from whatsapp chat (mostly for industrial software)

  1. Inline Entity Form
  2. Inline Entity Form Table View Mode
  1. responsive image core module
  2. lazy loading
  3. webp
  4. Focal Point
  5. Juicebox HTML5 Responsive Image Galleries
  6. Svg Image


# Name Type Phase Status
1 Config default image Dev Project Enabled

Module Filter

Module Filter -

Require 'Module Filter'

lando composer require 'drupal/module_filter'
git add composer.json composer.lock
git commit -m "Download drupal/module_filter"

Enable and Configure 'Module Filter'

lando drush en module_filter --yes

Visit /admin/config/user-interface/module-filter

Check 2 checkboxes and save the configuration.

'Module Filter' Settings

lando drush cex --yes
git add .
git commit -m "Enable and configure drupal/module_filter"

Admin Toolbar and Toolbar Anti-flicker

Admin Toolbar -

Toolbar Anti-flicker -

Require 'Admin Toolbar' and 'Toolbar Anti-flicker'

lando composer require 'drupal/admin_toolbar:^3.1' 'drupal/toolbar_anti_flicker:^9.3'
git add composer.json composer.lock
git commit -m "Download drupal/admin_toolbar and drupal/toolbar_anti_flicker"

Enable and Configure 'Admin Toolbar' & 'Toolbar Anti-flicker'

lando drush en \
  admin_toolbar \
  admin_toolbar_tools \
  admin_toolbar_links_access_filter \
  admin_toolbar_search \
  toolbar_anti_flicker \

There is nothing to configure for these modules. (There are configurations options for Admin Toolbar and submodules. Use defaults unchanged.)

lando drush cex --yes
git add .
git commit -m "Enable drupal/admin_toolbar and drupal/toolbar_anti_flicker"

Transliterate filenames for uploads

Transliterate filenames for uploads -

Require 'Transliterate filenames for uploads'

lando composer require 'drupal/transliterate_filenames:^2.0'
git add composer.json composer.lock
git commit -m "Download drupal/transliterate_filenames"

Enable and Configure 'Transliterate filenames for uploads'

lando drush en \
  transliterate_filenames \

There is nothing to configure for this module. (There are no configuration options for this module.)

lando drush cex --yes
git add .
git commit -m "Enable drupal/transliterate_filenames"

Flood control

Flood control -

Require 'Flood control'

lando composer require 'drupal/flood_control:^2.2'
git add composer.json composer.lock
git commit -m "Download drupal/flood_control"

Enable and Configure 'Flood control'

lando drush en \
  flood_control \

There is nothing to configure for this module. (Use defaults unchanged.)

lando drush cex --yes
git add .
git commit -m "Enable drupal/flood_control"

Revision Log Default

Revision Log Default -

Require 'Revision Log Default'

lando composer require 'drupal/revision_log_default:^1.2'
git add composer.json composer.lock
git commit -m "Download drupal/revision_log_default"

Enable and Configure 'Revision Log Default'

lando drush en \
  revision_log_default \

There is nothing to configure for this module. (There are no configuration options for this module.)

lando drush cex --yes
git add .
git commit -m "Enable drupal/revision_log_default"

Prevent Term Delete

Prevent Term Delete -

Require 'Prevent Term Delete'

lando composer require 'drupal/prevent_term_delete:^1.3@alpha'
git add composer.json composer.lock
git commit -m "Download drupal/prevent_term_delete"

Enable and Configure 'Prevent Term Delete'

lando drush en \
  prevent_term_delete \

Visit /admin/config/development/prevent_term_delete.

Enable for the needed vocabularies and save the configuration.

'Prevent Term Delete' Settings

lando drush cex --yes
git add .
git commit -m "Enable and configure drupal/prevent_term_delete"

Notice: Creating New Taxonomy Vocabularies

After creating a new taxonomy vocabulary, visit 'Prevent Term Delete' configuration page (/admin/config/development/prevent_term_delete) and enable the module for the newly created vocabulary if needed. See screenshot above.


Weight -

Require 'Weight'

lando composer require 'drupal/weight:^3.3'
git add composer.json composer.lock
git commit -m "Download drupal/weight"

Enable and Configure 'Weight'

lando drush en \
  weight \

There is nothing to configure for this module. (There are no configuration options for this module.)

lando drush cex --yes
git add .
git commit -m "Enable drupal/weight"

Twig Tweak

Twig Tweak -

Require 'Twig Tweak'

lando composer require 'drupal/twig_tweak:^3.1'
git add composer.json composer.lock
git commit -m "Download drupal/twig_tweak"

Enable and Configure 'Twig Tweak'

lando drush en \
  twig_tweak \

There is nothing to configure for this module. (There are no configuration options for this module.)

lando drush cex --yes
git add .
git commit -m "Enable drupal/twig_tweak"

Token & Chaos Tool Suite (ctools)

Token -

Chaos Tool Suite (ctools) -

Require 'Token & Chaos Tool Suite (ctools)'

lando composer require 'drupal/token:^1.10' 'drupal/ctools:^4.0'
git add composer.json composer.lock
git commit -m "Download drupal/token and drupal/ctools"

Enable and Configure 'Token & Chaos Tool Suite (ctools)'

lando drush en \
  token \
  ctools \

There is nothing to configure for these modules. (There are no configuration options for this module.)

lando drush cex --yes
git add .
git commit -m "Enable drupal/token and drupal/ctools"

Automatic Entity Label

Automatic Entity Label -

Require 'Automatic Entity Label'

lando composer require 'drupal/auto_entitylabel:^3.0@beta'
git add composer.json composer.lock
git commit -m "Download drupal/auto_entitylabel"

Enable and Configure 'Automatic Entity Label'

lando drush en \
  auto_entitylabel \

There is nothing to configure for this module. (There are no configuration options for this module.)

lando drush cex --yes
git add .
git commit -m "Enable drupal/auto_entitylabel"

Field Permissions

Field Permissions -

Require 'Field Permissions'

lando composer require 'drupal/field_permissions:^1.1'
git add composer.json composer.lock
git commit -m "Download drupal/field_permissions"

Enable and Configure 'Field Permissions'

lando drush en \
  field_permissions \

There is nothing to configure for this module initially. (The configuration options will be changed when needed working on particular fields.)

lando drush cex --yes
git add .
git commit -m "Enable drupal/field_permissions"


Pathauto -

Require 'Pathauto'

lando composer require 'drupal/pathauto:^1.10'
git add composer.json composer.lock
git commit -m "Download drupal/pathauto"

Enable and Configure 'Pathauto'

lando drush en \
  pathauto \

There is nothing to configure for this module initially. (The configuration options will be changed when needed working on particular content types.)

lando drush cex --yes
git add .
git commit -m "Enable drupal/pathauto"


Redirect -

Require 'Redirect'

lando composer require 'drupal/redirect:^1.7'
git add composer.json composer.lock
git commit -m "Download drupal/redirect"

Enable and Configure 'Redirect'

lando drush en \
  redirect \
  redirect_404 \

There is nothing to configure for this module. (Use defaults unchanged.)

lando drush cex --yes
git add .
git commit -m "Enable drupal/redirect"

Block Exclude Pages

Block Exclude Pages -

Require 'Block Exclude Pages'

lando composer require 'drupal/block_exclude_pages:^2.0'
git add composer.json composer.lock
git commit -m "Download drupal/block_exclude_pages"

Enable and Configure 'Block Exclude Pages'

lando drush en \
  block_exclude_pages \

There is nothing to configure for this module. (There are no configuration options for this module.)

lando drush cex --yes
git add .
git commit -m "Enable drupal/block_exclude_pages"





lando composer require 'drupal/captcha:^1.3' 'drupal/recaptcha:^3.0'
git add composer.json composer.lock
git commit -m "Download drupal/captcha and drupal/recaptcha"

Enable and Configure CAPTCHA & reCAPTCHA

Please do not enable the modules during the initial installation. Enabling and configuration will be done when needed.

Metatag & Metatag

Metatag - Metatag -

Require Metatag & Metatag

lando composer require 'drupal/metatag:^1.20' 'drupal/schema_metatag:^2.3'
git add composer.json composer.lock
git commit -m "Download drupal/metatag and drupal/schema_metatag"

Enable and Configure Metatag & Metatag

lando drush en \
  metatag \
  metatag_open_graph \
  metatag_twitter_cards \

Metatag will be configured later. Initially, use defaults unchanged.

lando drush cex --yes
git add .
git commit -m "Enable drupal/metatag"

Please do not enable ' Metatag' during the initial installation if not needed.

Rabbit Hole

Rabbit Hole -

Require 'Rabbit Hole'

lando composer require 'drupal/rabbit_hole:^1.0@beta'
git add composer.json composer.lock
git commit -m "Download drupal/rabbit_hole"

Enable and Configure 'Rabbit Hole'

lando drush en \
  rabbit_hole \
  rh_node \
  rh_taxonomy \

There is nothing to configure for this module. (There are no configuration options for this module.)

lando drush cex --yes
git add .
git commit -m "Enable drupal/rabbit_hole"

Simple XML sitemap

Simple XML sitemap -

Require 'Simple XML sitemap'

lando composer require 'drupal/simple_sitemap:^4.1'
git add composer.json composer.lock
git commit -m "Download drupal/simple_sitemap"

Enable and Configure 'Simple XML sitemap'

lando drush en \
  simple_sitemap \

Initially, use defaults unchanged.

lando drush cex --yes
git add .
git commit -m "Enable drupal/simple_sitemap"

This module may need to be configured in the future after initial install.

Google Analytics

Google Analytics -

Require 'Google Analytics'

lando composer require 'drupal/google_analytics:^4.0'
git add composer.json composer.lock
git commit -m "Download drupal/google_analytics"

Enable and Configure 'Google Analytics'

lando drush en \
  google_analytics \

Initially, use defaults unchanged.

lando drush cex --yes
git add .
git commit -m "Enable drupal/google_analytics"

This module's configuration is overridden for local, dev and test environments via settings.local.php.

$config['google_analytics.settings']['account'] = 'UA-XXXXXXXXX-X';

This module may need to be configured in the future after initial install. 'Web Property ID(s)' must be added visiting admin/config/services/google-analytics before going live.

Views Bootstrap

Views Bootstrap -

Require 'Views Bootstrap'

lando composer require 'drupal/views_bootstrap:^4.3'
git add composer.json composer.lock
git commit -m "Download drupal/views_bootstrap"

Enable and Configure 'Views Bootstrap'

lando drush en \
  views_bootstrap \

There is nothing to configure for this module. (There are no configuration options for this module.)

lando drush cex --yes
git add .
git commit -m "Enable drupal/views_bootstrap"

Slick Carousel -

Slick Views -

lando composer require 'drupal/slick:^2.6' 'drupal/slick_views:^2.6'
git add composer.json composer.lock
git commit -m "Download drupal/slick and drupal/slick_views"

These also download "drupal/blazy", because Blazy is a dependency. However "drupal/blazy" won't be present in require section of composer.json because it is not required explicitly.

Add Blazy and Slick Libraries via Composer

You can also refer to Installation of Drupal Libraries.

Please refer to project documentations on

bLazy library library (>= v1.6.0)
Slick library (1.6+ and <= 1.8.0)

Add packages to composer.json.

            "type": "package",
            "package": {
                "name": "dinbror/blazy",
                "version": "1.8.2",
                "type": "drupal-library",
                "dist": {
                    "url": "",
                    "type": "zip"
                "require": {
                    "composer/installers": "^1.2.0"
            "type": "package",
            "package": {
                "name": "kenwheeler/slick",
                "version": "1.8.0",
                "type": "drupal-library",
                "dist": {
                    "url": "",
                    "type": "zip"
                "require": {
                    "composer/installers": "^1.2.0"
lando composer require 'dinbror/blazy' 'kenwheeler/slick'
git add composer.json composer.lock
git commit -m "Download dinbror/blazy and kenwheeler/slick"

Visit /admin/reports/status to check whether Slick library is installed. You should see Slick library: Slick library installed at libraries/slick in Status Report.s

lando drush en \
  blazy \
  blazy_ui \
  slick \
  slick_ui \
  slick_views \

There is nothing to configure for 'Slick Views'. (There are no configuration options for this module.)

Use defaults settings for 'Slick' itself. Developers should visit /admin/config/media/slick and/or /admin/config/media/slick/ui to configure the module as needed.

Use defaults settings for 'Blazy' itself. Developers should visit /admin/config/media/blazy to configure the module as needed.

lando drush cex --yes
git add .
git commit -m "Enable drupal/blazy, drupal/slick and drupal/slick_views"

'CKEditor Templates' & 'Ckeditor templates user interface'

CKEditor Templates -

Ckeditor templates user interface -

Require 'CKEditor Templates' & 'Ckeditor templates user interface'

lando composer require 'drupal/ckeditor_templates:^1.2' 'drupal/ckeditor_templates_ui:^1.4'
git add composer.json composer.lock
git commit -m "Download drupal/ckeditor_templates and drupal/ckeditor_templates_ui"

Add 'Ckeditor templates plugin' via Composer

Please refer to this part of documentation CK Editor Plugins.

Enable and Configure 'CKEditor Templates' & 'Ckeditor templates user interface'

Please do not enable 'Ckeditor templates user interface' unless you have a good reason! Because UI module will override ckeditor_templates.js file (see below) in your theme.

lando drush en \
  ckeditor_templates \

There is nothing to configure for 'CKEditor Templates'. (There are no configuration options for this module.)

Refer to modules web/modules/contrib/ckeditor_templates/README.txt file.

Visit /admin/config/content/formats and add the templates button to the toolbar.

Copy web/modules/contrib/ckeditor_templates/templates/ckeditor_templates.js.example to your theme's templates folder as ckeditor_templates.js.

Copy the images in web/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/templates/templates/images folder to web/themes/custom/my_custom_theme/images/ckeditor folder.

lando drush cex --yes
git add .
git commit -m "Enable drupal/ckeditor_templates

And add the templates button to the toolbar."

AddToAny Share Buttons

AddToAny Share Buttons -

Require 'AddToAny Share Buttons'

lando composer require 'drupal/addtoany:^1.16'
git add composer.json composer.lock
git commit -m "Download drupal/addtoany"

Enable and Configure 'AddToAny Share Buttons'

lando drush en \
  addtoany \

There is nothing to configure for this module. (Use defaults.)

lando drush cex --yes
git add .
git commit -m "Enable drupal/addtoany"

Please note that by default, this module comes with a block and as a visible field in default and teaser displays of article and page content types. If you created new content types, this module add a disabled field in displays of those content type. You can use this field in views.

| Collection | Config                                        | Operation |
|            | addtoany.settings                             | Create    |
|            | core.extension                                | Update    |
|            | core.entity_view_display.node.article.teaser  | Update    |
|            | core.entity_view_display.node.article.default | Update    |
|            |     | Update    |
|            |    | Update    |

You can disable the field in article and page content types, if needed.

Config default image

Config default image -

This module creates an image field formatter. (Please also refer to this issue Provide a 2nd formatter "Responsive image or default image").

Config default image Field Formatter

You can then add an image as default from your custom theme.

Config default image Field Formatter Settings